Sunday, January 26, 2014

Where does the time go?

In July of 2012, I was introduced to one of the most valuable tools I have utilized in graduate school so far - the Writing Log. 

I absolutely love my Writing Logs! If you are new to this concept, a Writing Log is an Excel document where you can track how much time you are spending writing, what you are writing, and where. The goal of the log is to be able to track and document progress while also keeping good writing habits. The Writing Log can be customized to your own needs and uses, and I have adapted mine several times over the last year and a half. I like to start fresh at the beginning of each month with a new log and track the hours on the right hand side of this blog. Last year, I wrote a ton, almost a month's worth. Yikes! This year, will probably be more as I will be writing my dissertation. 

In preparation for this big year, I made another change to my log (with the help of a colleague and friend). I have always wondered what percentage of my time was going to each category of project. On my log, I color-code so I can visually see where I am spending my time, but have wanted specific percentages and a better visual, like a pie chart. I separate my time into the following categories: (1) conference presentations, (2) collaborations, (3) writing projects - personal, (4) dissertation, (5) stuff for other people, (6) classes, (7) grading/teaching, and (8) ERC work. These make sense to me and help me see where I am devoting too much time. I can also see when deadlines have come and what items take priority. 

Several people have incorporated pie charts into their Writing Logs to document the progress visually, and I have wanted to do this, but being Excel-challenged, I couldn't figure it out (nor did I want to spend the time trying to figure it out). My colleague and friend figured it out for me, and now, I have a pie chart, too! I love it! The chart shows me visually where my time is being spent, but also shows the percentage of my total time spent on each project. So far in January, 77% of my time has been spent on my dissertation. I guess that's good news since I was doing my prelims which are preparation for the dissertation. :) 

The Writing Log makes life easier, and this new addition to mine will make my life even easier than before! YAY!

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